
Student, teacher, continual incremental improvement. Enthusiastic and passionate of electronics and programming, especially on embedded development.

Hi! I am Ismail Sahillioglu, nice to meet you! You might be asking: Well, if you are Ismail, what the heck is Kozmotronik though?. Kozmotronik, is the nickname I chose for myself by combining the words Kozmos and Elektronik, where Kozmos corresponds the Cosmos and Elektronik corresponds to Electronics in English.

The reason why the word Cosmos made such a big impression on me is the work Cosmos, published as both a book and a video series by Carl Sagan, a famous astrobiologist.

I preferred to use it as in Turkish (my native) since cosmos is vocalized as kozmos and also is written as kozmos.

We all already are familiar with the Elektronik part. The technology that reshaped the world and our lifestyle in a short time, and which I also studied as a profession.
It is a very impressive technology that sometimes makes our lives easier, and sometimes can turn into a threat to our health.

I founded this site with the hope of making a contribution, even if small, to humanity by sharing and immortalizing the information I have blended with my experiences and content on different types of subjects. In addition to mainly original content, I aim to enrich the site by blending content in different languages with my own interpretation.

The information and data presented here are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution license unless otherwise stated. Therefore, within the framework of this license, attribution must be made to the author or the original site when presenting the information obtained herein elsewhere or using it for a purpose.
